Opinion editor's note: Star Tribune Opinion publishes a mix of national and local commentaries online and in print each day. To contribute, click here.
Last Wednesday, the state of Minnesota sold $454 million in debt to fund a remodel and expansion of the State Office Building. This building is home to the Minnesota House and its staff and the secretary of state office. The massive expansion will double the size of the current building.
If you are hearing about this project for the first time, you are not alone. There was no public conversation about the nearly $500 million expansion before it was formally introduced and approved, all on the same day, on a party-line vote last December.
Is this the best use of almost $500 million of taxpayer dollars? Minnesotans we have spoken to do not believe so.
To be clear, the current State Office Building needs security upgrades, improvements to the HVAC system, and additional public space so Minnesotans can more easily access elected officials. However, the price tag for Minnesota House Democrats' $500 million office expansion is over five times what was spent to build the controversial Minnesota Senate Office Building less than a decade ago. It is also nearly double what lawmakers, on a bipartisan basis, agreed to spend on a multiyear restoration of the State Capitol.
This past summer, we created the Suburban Solutions Caucus. This is a group of like-minded legislators looking to work together to bring reasonable, balanced solutions that reflect the voice of Minnesotans. There is nothing reasonable about a $500 million office building for politicians. We hear from folks every day about the rising cost of living and how so many are being forced to pay more for less. State lawmakers should be focusing on fiscal responsibility and helping people afford gas, groceries, clothes and other necessities.
Unfortunately, what folks in the suburbs got from the Minnesota Legislature this year was higher sales taxes, higher gas taxes, higher vehicle tab fees and out-of-control spending. In one year, the state budget increased more than in the last 10 years combined.