Heat, humidity ahead for next few days at Minnesota State Fair

Dew points will hover near 70 Sunday, creating a heat index of 95-100 degrees.

The Minnesota Star Tribune
August 23, 2024 at 10:24PM

I’m recovering from a self-induced food coma. Friday we hit the State Fair with our oldest son and grandson. It was shoulder-to-shoulder people, and parking was something out of a Stephen King horror flick. Note to self: Take the bus.

I was run over by three strollers, heckled by two carny workers and managed to step in one cow pie. A good day for me. Packed Tums and Lactaid but forgot the sunscreen. Seriously, I’ve been going out there for 40 years and I’ve NEVER seen it so crowded. It was a zoo, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

It may have required divine intervention, but a dry weekend is on tap as hot air bubbles northward, with sunshine and mid-80s Saturday, 90 degrees Sunday and low 90s Monday. Dew points will hover near 70 Sunday, creating a heat index of 95-100 degrees. Drink plenty (of water) and take it easy out there.

T- storms ignite Sunday night into Tuesday; another swarm Tuesday ahead of a cooler front. I see comfortable 70s next weekend.

Again, to avoid the vehicular gridlock at the fair: Take the bus.

about the writer

Paul Douglas


Paul Douglas is a nationally-respected meteorologist, with 40 years of broadcast television and radio experience. He provides daily print and online weather services for the Star Tribune.

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