Hennepin County officials are looking to spend more than $200 million over the next five years to tackle homelessness and affordable housing, one of its most aggressive plans yet to tackle persistent housing problems in the state's largest county.
Commissioners plan to look at raising property taxes, borrowing money, and using state and federal COVID relief aid to pay for the initiatives. The county is considering asking the Legislature to approve a countywide sales tax to pay the debt for new affordable housing.
This would be the first time county officials have considered selling bonds to pay for affordable housing.
"If Hennepin County can bond for stadiums, we can and should consider bonds for affordable housing," said Commissioner Chris LaTondresse, referencing the county's decision in 2006 to borrow $350 million for the new Twins stadium.
The board reviewed 11 recommendations during two lengthy briefings over the past week. They included nearly $10 million for emergency rental assistance, $3 million to allow shelters to be open 24 hours a day all week and $31 million to lower rents for county housing.
Less costly recommendations range from eliminating the small fee that shelters charge homeless clients each night, which would help about 700 families a year, to hiring 24 new case managers to help connect chronic shelter users with stable housing.
County officials do not have immediate plans to ask the Legislature to impose a new local sales tax, but Republicans who control the Minnesota Senate have taken a dim view of raising taxes coming out of the pandemic. They note that the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan signed by President Joe Biden this week sends about $2.1 billion to Minnesota local governments.
"We know an economic recovery from COVID-19 is a Minnesota priority that can be done without tax increases," said Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka, R-East Gull Lake.