Extra money that Hennepin County poured into its Child Protective Services has paid off, officials said, with caseworkers seeing a reduction by nearly half in the number of families they work with at a time.
County child protection workers now handle an average of 11 cases at a time, down from 18 to 20 cases per worker in 2015, according to Jodi Wentland, assistant county administrator for human services.
Caseload reduction was a primary goal when county officials set out to overhaul the program after a Casey Family report in 2015 found the system overloaded and underfunded.
The County Board plowed money into the child welfare system with the goal of reducing staff caseloads and employee turnover. The county spent $122 million on child protection last year, up from $74 million in 2015.
"We just spent a lot of time and money on it to redesign the system from being simply a reactive one to one where we're concerned about a child's well-being before there's a report of neglect," said Hennepin County Commissioner Mike Opat, who heads a child well-being advisory committee created to oversee the transformation.
From fall 2015 through fall 2017, the number of caseworkers in the county rose by nearly 70%, from 385 to 647, Wentland said.
The new approach to child protection services is centered on a long-term strategy focused on human services. By working on caseload reduction and staff development now, Wentland said, the department will have more time later to work on the root causes of child displacement before a crisis point is reached.
Removing children from their homes is highly traumatic for the child, Wentland said. So the new approach includes intervening sooner by dealing with food and housing insecurity, parenting training, transportation and drug addiction.