Broad agreement exists that we suffer an affordable housing crisis in Minnesota — especially in the Twin Cities. The cause is no mystery.
Affordable housing is scarce here because state and local governments effectively make it illegal to build.
Fortunately, bipartisan legislation proposed at the State Capitol would seek to change that.
Let me explain.
It has been reported that, outside coastal states like New York and California, the Twin Cities rank at the top for housing costs, with Twin Cities residents paying an average of some 26% more than neighboring states.
This situation should be a cause of concern to political conservatives, libertarians, small government/free market types or whatever label you might want to use (no doubt readers can offer some pungent suggestions) for all who generally share the belief that, with honest, productive work, a person should be able to provide a decent life for themselves and their family.
Fact is, a good place to live is an important part of that decent life, but it is beyond the reach of too many here.
It is especially important for free-market believers to address the affordable housing shortage — because they have the solutions.