No letup: For Week 1, Day 2, Jim Paulsen and David La Vaque make high school football predictions

Staff writers Jim Paulsen and David La Vaque find agreement on one game, no common ground on two others.

September 1, 2023 at 11:55AM
Lakeville South head coach Ben Burk gives a speech to his team before a Class 6A quarterfinal game against Stillwater Friday, Nov. 11, 2022 at Eden Prairie High School in Eden Prairie, Minn. ]
Lakeville South coach Ben Burk has a largely new set of athletes and the same hard-to-stop offense. (Alex Kormann, Star Tribune/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

Star Tribune reporters Jim Paulsen and David La Vaque are at it for the second time in two days, trying to pick winners of high school football games. Jim went 2-1 and David 1-2 on Thursday games. Here's their thinking for three Friday games, on Day 2 of Week 1:

Wayzata Trojans at Lakeville South Cougars, 7 p.m.

Jim says: The big names of the past two years have moved on, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for optimism among fans of Lakeville South, Class 6A champ in 2021. Expect big things from juniors Gaven Dean, a quarterback, and Connor Cade, a running back and linebacker. Tough, experienced Wayzata is a perfect test. The pick: Lakeville South 27, Wayzata 17

David says: At the risk of plagiarizing my Elk River/Chanhassen pick from yesterday, Lakeville South's Power-T rushing attack will make up for whatever the Cougars might be giving away to Wayzata in terms of talent. The visiting Trojans will have their hands (and heads) full playing Whac-A-Mole against the various ball carriers. The pick: Lakeville South 24, Wayzata 21

Winona Winhawks at Simley Spartans, 7 p.m.

Jim says: 2022 was a magical year for Simley, which stepped out of the large shadow cast by its wrestling team to win the Class 4A football state championship. Biggest question mark for Simley: The Spartans rushed for 3,778 yards in 2022, but 3,398 of those yards graduated. How do they replace them? The pick: Winona 34, Simley 26

David says: Winona can relate to a lack of continuity. The defense was hit especially hard. But there are reasons for hope. Senior linebacker Kort Bellman is a beast. And junior quarterback Deion Prolo goes from part-time starter to the main man. Will it be enough on the road? The pick: Simley 28, Winona 21

Minneapolis North Polars at Holy Angels Stars, 4 p.m.

Jim says: North is always brimming with talent, and this year is no different. What has changed is that the Polars have bumped up to Class 3A, where they will face keener competition. While everyone touts the Polars' skill position players, it's their big and fast offensive line that sets the tone. Holy Angels also has a veteran, skilled line. Biggest push wins. The pick: Minneapolis North 30, Holy Angels 26

David says: Minneapolis North is 5-1 against Class 4A teams the past two regular seasons, so the Polars will do just fine moving up a level. Still, they didn't play the Stars, one of the top Class 4A teams, in that stretch. The coin flip on this one goes to the home team. The pick: Holy Angels 31, Minneapolis North 21

about the writers

David La Vaque


David La Vaque is a high school sports reporter who has been the lead high school hockey writer for the Star Tribune since 2010. He is co-author of “Tourney Time,” a book about the history of Minnesota’s boys hockey state tournament published in 2020 and updated in 2024.

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Jim Paulsen


Jim Paulsen is a high school sports reporter for the Star Tribune. 

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