Delores Flynn's thin hands trembled as she pulled on a pair of sterile surgical gloves. She straddled the bulky frame of her son, Scott, inserted a long plastic tube down his throat and deftly removed the excess fluid blocking his airways.
Flynn and her husband, David, both 74, have performed this complicated choreography thousands of times since Scott, 48, suffered a massive brain hemorrhage in 2001 that left him unable to breathe or move on his own.
Yet on this spring afternoon in Roseville, they carried it out with extra purpose. A Ramsey County employee monitored their every move, peppering them with questions, and they had only a few hours to make the case that the family needed help from the county to care for Scott in their home.
Delores had spent months rehearsing for this moment. "The stress is unbearable," she said, wiping away tears after the exam. "I have no idea how other families deal with it."
Each year, tens of thousands of Minnesotans with disabilities and their families undergo this agonizing, high-stakes ritual, known as a comprehensive needs assessment. A stranger with a laptop comes to their home and asks hundreds of questions about the medical needs and care of their loved ones.
Can your daughter feed herself? Is your son aggressive toward others? Can your father use the toilet alone? What does a "bad day'' look like?
A few careless answers about medications or a forgotten detail about an emergency room visit could spell disaster. It could be the difference between thousands of dollars in help to pay for nursing care, physical therapy and medical equipment — or a life of sleepless nights, hair-raising emergencies and nagging doubts about whether they have done all they can to improve life for someone they love.
These computer-based assessments, devised by state officials nearly a decade ago, were supposed to make it easier for families to apply for a coveted form of Medicaid benefits known as a "waiver.''