Minnesota's hockey historians will tell you that White Bear Lake was home to Francis "Moose" Goheen, the greatest star of the sport's earliest decades of prominence in this state.
St. Paul's prep sports reporters from the later 1960s do not immediately think of Goheen when coming across the information that Saturday's Hockey Day in Minnesota will be centered in White Bear Lake.
As one such reporter, my first thought was: "I wonder what Billy Butters is doing with himself these days."
White Bear Lake had an outstanding group of athletes in that era, and at the Pioneer Press, we took particular note of the Bears on football Fridays, and hockey Saturdays in the winter at Aldrich Arena.
Butters became one of my prep heroes. Hard-charging fullback in football (including the unbeaten Bears of 1968), and "look out, here he comes" menace on the ice — plus, you could get a quip if you tracked him down after covering a game.
A half-century later. White Bear Lake athletics. First thought … Butters.
Found him on Thursday. Butters was heading home from Duluth, where he had talked to groups of hockey players from the UMD Bulldogs and at Wisconsin-Superior as part of his Christian ministry in which he's fully involved.
Which is all part of the tale that starts with Bill growing up with two older sisters and his mother, Audrey, in the "central part of White Bear."