Hello everyone! I know some people aren't in the best ofmoods anymore because it's time to go back to work or school, but you shouldlook on the bright side: A lot people woke up this morning and started lookingfor a job again. At least YOU already have one. I'd like to challenge everyoneto stay in the "Holiday spirit," at least until the end of January. You haven'talready lost the feeling have you? What is it about Christmas that putseveryone in such a good mood? And why can't we continue that throughout theyear?

So while I was home I got to spend some quality time with my family; SomethingI haven't gotten to do in a very long time, which led to my decision to not goback overseas. (I explain everything fully on my websitewww.reneemontgomery20.com) So now, I'm going to be living in the States,working out and seeing what the real world is all about. Y'all pray for me.

I've been an athlete my whole life, so the only jobs I've had involvedbasketball. For example: Training a child, working my camp and UConn's camp,playing in the WNBA and overseas. Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying I'm notqualified, just never had to do it before.(If you are wondering, No I am not going to be getting a 9-to-5) Onething I do plan to do is live life a little. Ever since I was young I have beenso focused on "making it" that maybe I missed the journey. I don't think that Ihave made it yet; I'm definitely still hungry. But I just want to make sure Ienjoy the ride along the way. It would be a terrible thing to look back at allthe trophies and awards and not have any memories to go along with it.

A lot ofpeople think the life of an athlete is very glamorous - and for some it may be- but women basketball players have adifferent type of struggle. We play basketball year-round, four months in thesummer with the WNBA and seven months overseas in various countries. We areaway from our family and friends and submerged in a completely differentculture. It is a great experience, but it also takes a lot of strength. I'm notcomplaining because I know things could be a lot worse. I just thought I wouldlet everyone know what it is like being a professional female basketballplayer.

Ok enough with the serious stuff, it gives me a headache. See that's whyI don't think I'm fit for a 9-to-5. Stay tuned to see how I survive the realworld. (Oh by the way, if anyone has a job they think a communication majorwith PR skills that works well under pressure would be suited for, let me know!; )

Until next time. Be blessed.

Da One