For homebuilders in the Twin Cities, 2021 was the busiest, though not the best, year in nearly two decades.
Last year homebuilders built nearly 7,400 single-family houses, outpacing the previous year by nearly 1,000 homes and the most since 2005, according to data compiled by the Keystone Report for Housing First Minnesota, a trade group that represents Twin Cities builders.
Builders were issued 7,811 permits to build 15,073 houses and apartments. Multifamily construction was down slightly compared with the previous year. During 2021 builders were issued enough permits to build 7,687 units, mostly market-rate rentals.
"The shortage of homes for sale in the Twin Cities and the demand for new housing has now reached a level that we have not seen before," said Todd Polifka, the 2021 president of Housing First Minnesota.
Despite deep demand for new housing, homebuilders faced a number of challenges during the year that caused delays in construction and steep price increases.
"The supply-and-demand problem, regulatory restrictions, labor shortage, lot shortage and supply-chain issues are adding up to a very challenging market for builders to overcome in order to meet the needs of our housing consumers," said Polifka.
Those challenges made it all the more difficult for homebuilders to make houses more affordable, especially for those buying their first home or downsizing.
At the end of November, the median sale price of a newly built home in the Twin Cities was $466,900, according to the Minneapolis Area Realtors, which only tracks sales of new homes that are listed through a real estate agent. That was a nearly 10% increase over last year at the same time and $112,000 more than the price of an existing single-family house.