MADELIA, MINN. – The prognosis for Madelia Community Hospital has been grim for some years now. Births are no longer scheduled here. Inpatient admissions have fallen to barely 100 per year. And the costs of patching together a medical staff have turned the hospital into a perennial money-loser.
Yet its new administrator is optimistic. The community-run hospital is hiring practitioners, expanding surgery capacity, extending urgent care hours, and even adding specialties such as laserfrequency ablation for nerve pain.
"What we're doing now has sparked a lot of interest," said Jeff Mengenhausen, who took charge of the hospital last year.
Madelia's 25-bed facility reflects the paradox of rural medicine in Minnesota at a time of growing financial pressures and hospital closures nationwide. Minnesota ranks among the worst states in the nation for its high number of financially distressed hospitals, and yet among the best in preserving rural hospital access.
Across the country, 104 small-town hospitals have closed since 2010, raising concerns that rural Americans are losing access to critical services, from obstetrics to X-rays to chemotherapy. Minnesota lost Lakeside Medical Center in Pine City and Albany Area Medical Center in that period, but still retains the third-highest number of rural hospitals in the nation.
The billion-dollar question — literally, considering the economic impact of rural hospitals — is whether Minnesota has managed to insulate itself from the closure wave or just delayed the inevitable for a cluster of money-losing facilities that are barely hanging on.
"I don't know which scenario will play out, but there are some real pressures … occurring," said Stefan Gildemeister, a health economist with the Minnesota Department of Health. "Demographically, if communities get smaller, it's going to be virtually impossible to hold onto a hospital."
That prospect alarms some civic leaders and public health officials. Several studies have found no effect on mortality among older adults after rural hospital closings, but some researchers have found worse outcomes. In one study, the University of Minnesota's Katy Kozhimannil found that the loss of hospital-based obstetric services in a county resulted in more preterm births and less prenatal care.