It's been easy to work up a sweat exercising this summer — perhaps too easy.
As temperature rise, so do the dangers of overexerting yourself in the hot weather. And that can lead to a wide range of problems, from irritating cramps to life-threatening heat stroke, according to the Mayo Clinic.
But that doesn't mean that you have to give up your entire fitness routine until fall. You just have to be smart about it, said Paul Kriegler, a registered dietician and director of nutritional product development at Life Time.
It's always a good idea to listen to your body when you exercise, but in hot weather, it's more essential than ever, he said.
"It's important not to push yourself too far," he said. Just because you could handle the workout on a cool day doesn't mean you can do so on a hot day. So make adjustments.
"There are several levers you can manipulate to adjust to the heat," he said. "One is duration — the amount of time you work out. The second is intensity — how hard you push yourself. And then there's preparation and recovery — maintaining hydration, how well you sleep the night before and warming up right."
Everyone reacts to heat stress differently.
"It all depends on the person and their acclimation to the heat," he said.