Republicans and DFLers on the House Education Policy Committee agree Minnesota needs to make it easier for schools to fill the ranks of substitute teachers.
Dueling bills introduced in mid-February highlight the differing approaches the two parties want to take to address pandemic-induced substitute shortages and allow districts to declare a "crisis learning period" to shift to virtual instruction.
As proposed, DFL bill House File 2950 allows but does not require districts to adopt online learning plans to use in the event of a crisis. The bill also outlines how districts would conduct class for students without reliable internet access and provide meals for families when school buildings are closed.
It also would carve out up to five days this school year per district that would allow administrators to move all their students into virtual instruction as long as they give families 24 hours' notice.
The bill also includes three measures that fast-track the certification process for would-be teachers. One provision would allow students enrolled in teacher preparatory programs, Minnesotans with an associate's degree and existing school support staff to obtain temporary substitute licenses.
Another would allow teachers with expired licenses to accept a teaching position.
Deb Henton, executive director of the Minnesota Association of School Administrators, testified in support of the bill in early February, but told lawmakers its provisions are stopgap solutions to longtime — and long-term — issues.
"We need to have incentives. We need to have flexibility with licensure. We need a lot more to offer people who enter the teaching profession," she said in an interview.