A few years ago, on one of their early dates, Shane Burcaw and Hannah Aylward were eating at a diner near his home in Bethlehem, Pa., when an older woman walked up behind Burcaw and placed her hands on his shoulders.
Then the woman began to pray. Loudly. "Everyone was staring," Aylward recalled. "I was mortified."
"Dear Lord, please give this boy a happier, better life," the woman said, before Burcaw was able to interrupt her. "Oh, no, no, I have a very happy life," he said. "Don't you see my beautiful girlfriend?"
Aylward is tall and blond with an athletic physique (she swam for Carleton College's varsity team until graduating last spring). Burcaw, who has since moved to Minnesota, has a preppy haircut and a sweet smile. Although his head looks like an average adult's, his body is the size of a middle schooler's, and his limbs are as skinny as a toddler's. He gets around with a motorized wheelchair.
Burcaw's appearance causes strangers to make all sorts of assumptions about his age and abilities. On outings with Aylward, dads have invited him to play with bubbles, and liquor store clerks have proffered lollipops. Strangers often assume Aylward is Burcaw's mom or his nurse. They think that he can't speak or that he's cognitively disabled.
In fact, he's a 27-year-old author of three books, public speaker, co-founder of a nonprofit and, most recently, a successful vlogger.
A little over a year ago, Burcaw and Aylward started posting videos online about their "interabled" relationship (two people of differing physical abilities) as "Squirmy and Grubs" (their pet names for one another) and quickly amassed nearly half a million subscribers, placing them among Minnesota's most popular YouTubers.
Fans call them "hysterical" and "adorable," commenting that they are "beautiful people inside and out" and "the coolest couple on the planet." They send numerous gifts. One fan even flew from India to meet them.