For Carol Dean, Guess the Snowfall isn't a wager. It's a wish.
How much will it snow this month? No shortage of guesses

Dean prediction of 32.5 inches of snow for the Twin Cities in December was the highest among 178 entries in the inaugural round of Guess the Snowfall for the winter of 2012-13. It's only a half-inch below the record set only two years ago.
"I'm only hoping that I'm right because I love the snow," she wrote in an e-mail. "Just trying to make it true!"
The 178 entries for the double-header December game -- which includes monthly and seasonal guesses -- is nearly triple the number that entered last year. After the fourth-snowiest winter on record in 2010-11, maybe folks just didn't want to think about it. This year, after last season's paltry 22.3 inches in the Twin Cities, maybe they've got snow hunger. Or maybe it's our cool new entry form that boosted people's enthusiasm. Whatever the reason, we're knee-deep in entries, if not snow (yet)!
For the seasonal game, most players were conservative, leaning toward continued drought. Nearly 80 percent guessed we'd see below-normal snowfall, though Jeff Piernick of Farmington topped everyone with a prediction of 106.3 inches. We've never had that much, though the seasonal record is 98.6.
Quite a few folks seem aware of what normal snowfall is for the Twin Cities: 54 inches. Fifteen people - 8.4 percent of the players -- guessed from 52 to 56 inches.
If you missed the deadline this time, remember, we have monthly games through March. The January deadline for guesses will be Dec. 31. If you win, you'll earn a gift certificate to the cofffee or bagel shop of your choice.
And when snow comes, check for Guess the Snowfall updates on Twitter @billmcauliffe