Minnesotans have loved pro cross-country skier Jessie Diggins, who grew up in Afton, since long before her dramatic Olympic gold-winning finish ("Here comes Diggins! Here comes Diggins!") brought her international fame in 2018. But for Diggins, who got treatment for bulimia as a teen at the Emily Program, loving herself hasn't always been so easy.
Now a spokeswoman for the Emily Program, which has locations in Minnesota and three other states, Diggins reveals how her struggles with an eating disorder have allowed her to help coaches and parents connect with young people.
Diggins will be in Minneapolis Saturday to race through downtown on rollerskis in the inaugural Fastenal Parallel 45 Cup Rollerski Loppet. Afterward, she and KARE 11's Jana Shortal will tape a live session of the Emily Program's podcast, called "Peace Meal."
Diggins talked to us about self-acceptance, being her own best cheerleader and getting her portrait in seeds at the Minnesota State Fair.
Q: What will the podcast be about?
A: It will explore how to find a way to be at peace with who we are, and not feel like we need to be doing something different with our food or our bodies or our appearance.
It's the first live "Peace Meal" podcast. It's a cool way to try to reach more people. We're having it directly after the rollerski event, and hopefully there will be a lot of young athletes who are able to come. It's not that they're the only ones, but young athletes really fit that mold of being more at risk for eating disorders.
Q: Can you talk about your own journey to self-acceptance? Have you reached the point where you can say, "I've got this?"