The library systems of Scott and Dakota counties emerge from statistics as similar in some ways, very different in others -- reflections of their demographics, geography and politics. Scott teems with families and does well in children's programs. Dakota is older, more diverse, less affluent, and offers more terminals for those lacking their own Internet access. Dakota's tax base is far richer, its elected officials a touch more liberal, and its spending on some things is far greater. Scott has small outlying branches in tiny towns, whereas Dakota's are mostly in populous areas.
Dakota Scottto Scott
Population served378,392129,9282.9 to 1
Resident borrowers262,14188,2333.0 to 1
Reciprocal borrowers36,87812,3303.0 to 1
Total registered borrowers299,019100,5633.0 to 1
Library visits2,074,789561,5683.7 to 1
Annual public Internet
computer sessions343,58453,2586.5 to 1
Children's circulation1,992,162416,3074.8 to 1
Children's programs1,4935972.5 to 1
Attendance64,14126,2552.4 to 1
Branches981.1 to 1
Public Internet terminals262564.7 to 1
Wi-Fi outlets791.3 to 1
Print782,983222,8343.5 to 1
Audio (physical*)66,94613,3975.0 to 1
Video (physical)55,3687,8007.1 to 1
Subscriptions1,5902915.5 to 1
E-books licensed locally19,9961,08818.4 to 1
Licensed statewide15,19115,1911.0 to 1
Audio downloadable,
licensed locally7708660.9 to 1
Licensed regionally1,9001,9001.0 to 1
Databases licensed locally16180.9 to 1
Licensed regionally13131.0 to 1
Licensed statewide45451.0 to 1
Operating spending$12,666,984$2,821,8174.5 to 1
*CDs and the like, not online downloads
Source: Annual reports filed with state for 2011