If you visit a place over time, you can watch it change. The changes may be subtle in some ways and loud in other ways. Good or bad is relative, but the change is real.
In the summer of 2020, five people from the Star Tribune newsroom, including me, gathered under a gazebo at Boom Island in Minneapolis. The sun felt warm, and a light breeze made the grass and leaves wiggle. It was lovely to be out, to be physically present in a peaceful setting, because peace was not what any of us felt.
After George Floyd's murder, our newsroom was reeling. Collectively, we were exhausted from the constant witnessing of our community in distress physically, emotionally and spiritually. In moments like these, humans tend to examine and question their purpose and their role in the insanity that has unfolded in front of them. Many journalists of color saw this as an opportunity to demand change in our newsroom and across our industry.
Journalism is no different than any other industry that's more than 100 years old. The very foundation is built with the bricks of systemic racism just as we know water, sand and rock make up the Mississippi River.
Those journalists of color who have decided to work in this business know who has been historically considered a credible source. Those who are extroverted, able-bodied, middle class, straight white males have few impediments to their ideas, their advancement, their voices. For those of us who don't fit that description, the sting of being silenced and overlooked has a cumulative effect that made Floyd's murder the final straw. A worldwide racial reckoning followed — and the Star Tribune needed to take a long look in the mirror.
Oh hey. I'm Kyndell Harkness. During this time, I was a photo editor, sitting at home in my bedroom working on a TV tray. My life is pretty glamorous. I'm one of those people in an office that everyone comes to, so I was hearing a lot of distress from all corners of the newsroom. I wasn't alone. Allie Shah, a deputy metro editor, and Tom Horgen, an online editor, were hearing from their circles too. A lot of people, including the white voices in the room, were sharing their concerns about our news organization and how it reflects or doesn't reflect the growing diversity in Minnesota.
Allie, Tom and I met with the newsroom's top editors, Rene Sanchez and Suki Dardarian, at that lovely spot on Boom Island not feeling so lovely. I was nervous. The three of us weren't known for having the big, brash, booming voices. We were the regular people in our office whom co-workers came to when they needed help.
With the voices of the newsroom with us, we had to be painfully honest with our leadership. As an organization, we needed to re-examine our hiring practices, our coverage and how we treated our journalists of color. The three of us had gathered anecdotes of microaggressions from inside and outside the Star Tribune that staff members had experienced. With those experiences in mind, we compiled a list of solutions. We had found a way forward for our newspaper, but at that moment, I was unsure if we would be heard. We took our places, 6 feet apart. We talked and they listened. Then together we had to figure out what came next.