Who would come to the Twin Cities from Belgium or Zimbabwe or Australia just to take a really, really long walk?
Members of the slightly eccentric, worldwide community of people who like to walk briskly for hours on end. They make the journey because this is one of the few places in the country that holds a centurion event, a judged and sanctioned competition that gives an award for walking 100 miles in a day.
"If you talk with someone not in the racing lunatic fringe, they've not heard of it," said David Holmen, an accomplished ultradistance athlete from Eagan.
The challenge — which involves trudging laps day and night around a lake in a Twin Cities park — is no walk in the park. Those who have done it say it's harder than running 100 miles in 24 hours. In fact, it's such a rarely accomplished feat that more people have climbed Mount Everest or swum the English Channel than have earned a centurion walking badge.
To officially count as a centurion, there has to be a judge to certify that you were strictly walking. No running is allowed. Under the centurion rules, it's only been done successfully 94 times in the U.S. since 1878.
The 70th person to do it helped put Minnesota on the centurion map.
John Greene, a math professor at the University of Minnesota Duluth, turned to walking after a knee injury hampered his marathon running. When he learned that there was a walking category in the FANS ultra race event held every summer in the Twin Cities, he decided to see how far he could get in 24 hours.
FANS started in 1990 as a 24-hour ultra running event to benefit the FANS (Furthering Achievement through a Network of Support) college and career mentorship program of the Pillsbury United Communities organization.