Q: I'm a new senior member of a project team and have serious concerns about how it's being managed. Key work items with compliance and audit implications have been neglected, and there's insufficient sense of urgency. How can I get this on track, recognizing that I'm not the person in charge?
Derek, 52, corporate counsel
A: First, my COVID-19 PSA: Practice social distancing! It might feel hard, you might not want to miss out on things, you might have a robust immune system, but don't take a chance on spreading it to others. Thank you.
Now, back to today's topic.
Situations like this occur when there's a leadership vacuum. While those of you with specialized roles such as legal or finance shouldn't take on overall project leadership, it's your responsibility to actively push for appropriate action.
This can take a number of forms.
If you are in a genuine emergency, with missed deadlines and key client priorities being missed, be clear, direct and forceful. This is a time to actively model an action orientation targeted to your own responsibility area but with clear implications that others need to follow suit.
For example, you might say, "In order to meet this requirement, I need …" Then assign tasks: who, what, when. Make the timelines doable but aggressive. Be rigorous about follow-up. Then ask what others need from the team.