Eager to add more native plants to your landscape but worried what the neighbors will say? It's easier than you think to grow these beneficial plants while keeping everyone happy.
Many people associate native plants with grasslands and worry that these indigenous species will appear wispy, even weedy. Nowadays lots of plants have been bred to produce bigger, brighter flowers and grow in consistent shapes and we've become jaded to the subtle beauty of natives.
There are ways to help native plants compensate, says Mary Phillips, a native plant expert and head of the National Wildlife Federation's educational arm Garden for Wildlife. She recommends grouping plants together, such as clustering flowers with native grasses, for bold impact. These larger clusters will also be more visible to birds and butterflies.
"Good design is important. It will help frame the features of a garden and provide a neat appearance that neighbors will appreciate," Phillips says.
If you live on an acreage, it might not be as much of a concern. But here in the cities where folks like me live shoulder-to-shoulder on smaller urban lots, we are up in each other's business, and everybody has a different idea of what makes for a lovely landscape.
Other things to keep in mind when maintaining a native plant garden:
Maintain regularly
Going wild doesn't mean letting things go. You've probably seen yards where good intentions have gotten away from the homeowners. Promise to tend your plot.