Q: Everything that happened in 2021 made our internal and external communication efforts haphazard. How can we set a better tone for the new year?
How to improve internal and external communications
By Paul Omodt
A: The ongoing pandemic, the polarization of society, the rise of misinformation and the Great Resignation are all heaping unprecedented changes on the business communication landscape.
Internal and external audiences are increasingly pulling away from the organizations that once helped anchor, inform and inspire them. Today's savvy business communicators need to rise to the challenge by paying closer attention to a few old-school communication imperatives.
Keep it simple and direct. Employees and customers have increasingly short attention spans and more media vying for that attention. Social media algorithms are feeding tailored content. Overly fluffy or complicated branding and corporate positions are losing propositions. To cut through, corporate information needs to be simplified.
Be honest. The free marketplace of ideas is increasingly shaped by often unseen forced choices filled with misinformation. Battling this requires business communication that is more authentic, meaningful and unfailingly honest. People tend to believe information from the sources that are closest to them.
Stand for something. Increasing polarization means audiences are looking for points of view that reinforce what they already believe at the same time businesses are increasingly being expected to have a voice. Standing for something and taking part in the conversations of our time are now essential for business.
Stay connected. Not only are customers increasingly becoming disconnected from your business, but so too are your employees. Remote working has become a new norm, with nearly one-third of white-collar jobs allowing employees to live anyplace in the world. Slack and regular online check-ins only go so far to building strong teams. Old-school methods of personalized, handwritten cards or an unscripted phone call to say thanks are more meaningful connections than a thumbs-up on a Zoom screen.
Business communicators must consider the changes happening around us and adapt to meet them if they are to be effective in 2022. To set a better tone in 2022, connect directly, honestly and meaningfully to those important to your success.
Paul Omodt is on faculty at the University of St. Thomas Opus College of Business.
about the writer
Paul Omodt
Target sponsored the event for 18 years, but the organization cut ties after the retailer scaled back its DEI efforts.