Power outages can be brutal, especially when you have a freezer full of food in the dog days of summer.
The storms Monday and Tuesday with winds upward of 70 mph led to widespread outages across the Twin Cities metro. At the outage’s worst, 250,000 Xcel Energy customers were without power.
As of Thursday morning, only about 3,800 Twin Cities residents were still without power. Xcel expects to restore power to all customers by Thursday evening. But with more storms on the way, some customers may wonder how power restoration works and how areas are prioritized.
Here’s what you need to know about how power is restored.
What is the process to reconnect power?
Xcel wants to make the biggest impact when restoring power. Crews zero in on an area where they can get the most customers’ power back on at once, said Trisha Duncan, director of Minnesota community relations at Xcel.
“If you think of it as like a tree, the trunk is where they go first, because that gets the largest amount of customers back on first,” Duncan said. “Then they work into the branches, which you could think of as a neighborhood, and then they work into the leaves, the individuals.”
Those still without power are likely part of smaller outages affecting a few customers at a time.