Thank-you caller
Help Second Harvest Heartland make calls to thank donors for supporting their mission. Two to three hours a week. Can make calls from home. Must have computer access to maintain and update lists. Weekdays, 9-4 p.m.
Library assistant
Assist Saint Therese of New Hope in organizing the in-house library. Bring carts of books to residents, lead a reading club or start a book club. Flexible scheduling and training provided.
Supplies drive
The Kids in Need Foundation supports teachers and students in financially disadvantaged schools by operating a free store for supplies. Great group opportunity.
Deliver meals
People Serving People is a shelter for families in downtown Minneapolis. Assist with meal delivery in the building. Commitment to volunteer one to four times a month requested. Breakfast, lunch or dinner delivery. Meals are delivered seven days a week.
Living Well Disability Services supports people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to experience wellness in all areas of their lives. Help ensure that people can make it to family gatherings and appointments throughout the metro area. Scheduling is on an on-call/as-available basis. Background and driving record checks required. Accessible vehicle training provided.
Pet visits
Lyngblomsten has many residents who would benefit from the companionship of a loving dog, cat, rabbit, guinea pig, etc. Come visit with your pet and help brighten someone's day. Animals must be at least one year old, well behaved and current on vaccinations. Flexible scheduling.
Thrift store
Help the Flying Pig Thrift Store in St. Paul. Assist guests; accept, organize and price donations; create and arrange displays, and perform other duties as assigned. Training provided.
Computer help
Help Literacy Minnesota support adult learners who are developing and improving their computer skills in a lab setting. Must be at least 18 and able to commit two to three hours a week. No experience or diploma required. Training provided.