A few weeks ago I wrote a column in which I briefly referred to the concept of "cave syndrome." The term was coined by a psychiatrist in Florida to describe people who are feeling scared or unwilling to re-enter post-pandemic society — even after being vaccinated — because they have grown too accustomed to isolation.
I mentioned it only in passing, having heard something about it on a local news broadcast. But when the column appeared, I was surprised by how many people wrote or spoke to me about it, saying it was something they were experiencing themselves.
"Thanks for giving me a name for how I'm feeling," wrote one woman. "I love it when something has a name."
Another reader said she was grateful to know she was not alone. "Simply knowing others have this reaction too makes it less overwhelming emotionally."
At first it seemed odd to me that "cave syndrome" struck such a chord, until I realized that I was having some of these feelings myself. I'm not a person who suffers from social anxiety; I'm not particularly shy or introverted. But I, too, feel a measure of discomfort at the idea of being back in the same physical space with other people — in a restaurant or at the office or in a store or a subway car. Some of it is a result of not knowing for sure what is safe and what isn't, but some of it is also about the return to the social status quo ante after more than a year of extremely limited interaction.
I began asking around. Michael Dulchin, a psychiatrist at Union Square Practice in New York, told me that he has lots of patients who are reluctant to go back into the world, or at least are ambivalent about it. Some of them, he says, had actually felt relieved by the pandemic — by the respite from a competitive office, say, or the enforced hiatus from society, or the ability to put off decisions about the future. Some now dread resuming their soul-killing commute, or putting on an outfit for work and being judged for it, or simply re-entering the rat race.
Jenny Taitz, a clinical psychologist and assistant professor at UCLA, says some people feel ashamed of how they spent their year. Perhaps instead of learning French, they just moped and drank too much and are embarrassed to acknowledge that to their peers. Perhaps they gained weight and now don't want to face their co-workers.
Those who suffered from social anxiety before the pandemic are particularly fearful about re-entry, and the ever-present possibility of rejection or humiliation. But it's not just people with pre-existing phobias who are feeling conflicted.