The hit HBO TV show "Game of Thrones" is known for its epic staging, twisted romance, incredible battles, mythological dragons and political intrigue. The show that spends over $10 million per episode will also go down in history for pulling off the greatest Ikea hack of all time.
Ikea shows how to turn its rug into a 'Game of Thrones' cape, just as HBO does
Winter is coming and the Nordic superstore wants "Game of Thrones" fans to have their own Jon Snow cape.
By Aimee Blanchette, Star Tribune
The show's costume designers outfitted fan favorite Jon Snow with a cape made from an Ikea rug. That's right. You, too, can prepare for winter's arrival with a fluffy sheepskin rug from everyone's favorite Swedish home furnishings store.
After word of this genius hack got out, Ikea released instructions last week for cape-ifying its rugs. In its trademark DIY instruction style with simple drawings, the company has informed the public how to, well, cut a hole in a rug.
The task is basic, but the result is a lavish cape fit for a lord commander. Raise your hand if you're going as a member of the Night's Watch for Halloween this year.
Now here's the bad news: Ikea stores in the U.S. don't sell the $249 rugs needed to get the look.
about the writer
Aimee Blanchette, Star Tribune
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