For law enforcement in Minnesota, the slaying of two police officers and a paramedic in Burnsville last weekend serves as another bleak reminder: Their line of work is dangerous.
Lately it’s becoming more so — most commonly during responses to domestic disturbance calls like the one that precipitated the triple homicide last Sunday.
Reported assault incidents against officers across Minnesota are up 160% from a decade ago — a metric including everything from intimidation, biting and punching to an assault with a deadly weapon— according to data tracked by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.
Officers have reported at least 3,400 assaults in Minnesota since 2021, with a 10% increase last year, according to the BCA data. Ninety-four occurred last month, slightly behind the number reported in January 2023.
Deadly attacks make up only a small fraction of the assaults. The killing of Burnsville police officers Paul Elmstrand and Matthew Ruge, both 27, brings Minnesota’s total fatal assaults of officers to four since 2020. That’s the same number that occurred in the entire first decade of the 2000s, but roughly a quarter of police murders in the 1970s, state data show, painting a complicated picture of how violence against law enforcement has ebbed and flowed over the past half-century.
The recent Minnesota data tracks with a trend emerging across the United States: Killings of police are down, but law enforcement are reporting more overall assaults.
“This is unacceptable in a democratic country,” said Maki Haberfeld, professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City.
Those who study policing say there is no single explanation for what is driving the attacks. They say the increase tracks with a surge in violent crime and the COVID-19 pandemic, along with anti-police sentiment, staffing crises in major law enforcement agencies and a rise in gun ownership.