For 27 years, Jim Nicholas of Minneapolis was a data analyst with the Minnesota Hospital Association. After retiring in 2016, he chose a decidedly different path:
Buckthorn buster on a bicycle.
For the past five years, 74-year-old Nicholas has become legendary along the paths of Lake Harriet in southwest Minneapolis, easy to spot with his red suspenders, thick yellow gloves, wide-brimmed hat and bike trailer, edging himself upward into prickly spots on various hills to cut-cut-cut away.
One resident, writing to this very newspaper, described Nicholas as an "eccentric fellow" who deserved public praise.
Curious strollers stop to ask him what in the world he's doing. Others seek his advice about the invasive buckthorn in their own yards.
And at least three people have called the police on him.
"I carry a sign that says 'invasive species removal,' and that gives me some cover," Nicholas said.
Nicholas volunteers about 10 hours a week busting buckthorn. "I treat it like a part-time job," said the married father of two young adults.