WORTHINGTON, MINN. – Sabina held in her hand the legal document that had brought her so much agony over the past three weeks. The crisp, white pages of the form had a conspicuously blank space representing a choice she as a parent did not want to make.
Sabina, like other undocumented immigrants in this meatpacking town in the southwest corner of Minnesota, was preparing for a day she had long feared. The new administration’s immigration crackdown has cast a shadow over Worthington, and deportation fears loom large.
She came to America from Guatemala years ago, built a life here, and has children born in the United States. The legal document before her was a Delegation of Parental Authority (DOPA) form, a safeguard in case she or her husband, Hector, get detained or deported. The form would grant legal guardianship of her children to someone they trusted.
But the weight of the decision was almost unbearable. Every time Sabina thought she made her choice, doubt would creep in.
And the document would remain unsigned.
“My son asked me, ‘Mom, why do we need this document? Won’t we always be together?’” Sabina said, tears wetting her face. She said she doesn’t know how to respond when her children ask such questions. “I asked God to give me the words.”

‘We’d rather be prepared'
During President Donald Trump’s first weeks in office, he has signed numerous executive orders meant to carry out campaign promises of mass deportations and border security.
The White House says these efforts have been focused on arresting criminals. Trump has also discussed deporting all undocumented people, saying that they cost the country money and take away jobs.