The grieving mother had a special request for her baby's hair.
So Margaret Brooks, a mother of five boys herself, recounted the request like a prayer and gently started braiding so that 2-year-old Le'Vonte King Jason Jones would have four small plaits for his final farewell in the morning.
"He looked like an angel — perfect," Brooks said, recalling his slim necklace and crisp white shirt, buttoned over the bullet wound that killed him the week before.
Just hours earlier, she had put the final touches on the body of Philando Castile, a school cook shot by a police officer in Falcon Heights.
For 75 years, families have brought their loved ones here, to Brooks Funeral Home in St. Paul — the oldest surviving black funeral home in the state. They entrust the latest generation, Brooks and her husband, George Brooks III, with orchestrating the meticulous details that bestow a final sense of dignity upon the dead, a service of historical importance in the black community.
It's a role that's taken center stage in recent weeks, as certain deaths — and burials — have been recorded, live-streamed and made public, viewed online around the world.
But for the Brooks family, it's been a summer of doing what they've always done: helping families memorialize their deceased in ways the grieving see fit.
"Funeral homes are for the living," George Brooks said, "and for a family to feel, if at all possible, that they had the service they wanted."