There is a belief among Americans that with hard work, education and maybe a little luck, anyone can improve their lot in life. That even if you start on the bottom rung of the income ladder, it’s possible to climb to the top.
But for most people, that’s not true.
Though Americans as a whole have historically been able to count on doing better economically than their parents, for children born since 1980 out-earning the previous generation has been a coin toss.
New data the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis compiled into the Income Distributions and Dynamics in America report shows income stagnation is widespread, and Minnesotans are among the Americans least likely to move out of their current bracket. Those who start at the bottom here tend to stay at the bottom, and those who start at the top tend to stay at the top.
“It is harder for people who are in the lower-earning percentiles to move up over time, but it is also harder to go the other way, for the most part,” said Abigail Wozniak, vice president and director of the Minneapolis Fed’s Opportunity & Inclusive Growth Institute. “Certainly, beneficiaries of that have often been white earners, but it also does mean for Black earners and earners of color who start to earn in that highest quartile, they are less likely to fall out of it than other places. There is a two-sides-to-the-coin kind of situation with that mobility piece.”
Let’s see what this looks like.
This is just one five-year span. Through the course of a working life, the opportunity for mobility declines until it’s essentially nonexistent.
Only Washington, D.C., and North Dakota have higher rates of so-called “income persistence.” Minnesota takes third place, tied with Maryland and Massachusetts.