Chanting "This isn't over!" and "Stop the steal," supporters of President Donald Trump protested at state capitols across the country Saturday, refusing to accept defeat and echoing Trump's unsubstantiated allegations that the Democrats won by fraud.
From Atlanta and Tallahassee to Austin, Bismarck, Boise and Phoenix, crowds ranging in size from a few dozen to a few thousand — some of them openly carrying guns — decried the news of Joe Biden's victory after more than three suspense-filled days of vote-counting put the Democrat over the top. Skirmishes broke out in some cities.
In Atlanta, outside the state Capitol in the longtime Republican stronghold of Georgia, chants of "Lock him up!" rang out among an estimated 1,000 Trump supporters. Others chanted, "This isn't over! This isn't over!" and "Fake news!" The streets were awash with American flags and Trump banners.
No immediate violence was reported, though at one point, police moved to separate Trump opponents from supporters. Biden held a slim lead in Georgia, which hasn't gone for a Democrat since 1992.
Jordan Kelley, a 29-year-old from Murfreesboro, Tennessee, drove three-plus hours to Atlanta to attend the pro-Trump rally.
"There's election fraud going on here," said Kelley, claiming that voters in Georgia, a state with a GOP governor and secretary of state, had improperly counted the ballots to put Biden ahead. "Even though I live in Tennessee, I'm an American, and I want to make sure Americans have a voice in the election."
He planned to make the 10-hour trip to Washington next week to demonstrate on the steps of the Supreme Court, where Trump and his lawyers have vowed to eventually make his case.
Underscoring the hard feelings on both sides of the nation's deep political divide, anti-Trump protesters in Washington booed, yelled obscenities, shouted "Loser! Loser!" and gave the finger to Trump's motorcade as the president returned to the White House from a golf outing Saturday.