They came in shorts and tank tops, in jeans and T-shirts and spandex. Families and singles, old and young. Some wore helmets, some didn't. But no matter, there were few if any wipeouts at the third in-line skating event ever held at U.S. Bank Stadium.
Lacing up their skates, cousins Nola McPherson of north Minneapolis and Laura Burbank of St. Louis, Mo., were giddy to be there.
"I'm super jealous that you guys have this and we don't," said Burbank, who grew up in Minneapolis and was back to see family over the holiday break.
The women were with a group of five. McPherson said she and her family had had season passes since at least 2009 to the in-line skating events at the old Metrodome.
The event, one of 12 held this season, ran from 5 to 8 p.m. Tuesday. It was sold out by 5:45 p.m., when 350 skating tickets had been sold.
Upstairs, 321 runners had paid $3 apiece to run the 696- to 726-meter course.
On the inside lane, 12 laps equaled a bit more than 5 miles.
"I love it; we're having a great time," said Danielle Gordanier of St. Paul, who was cooling down after a 90-minute run.