Coated in love
Inspiring ways to help
Volunteer listings offer many opportunities to connect with Twin Citians in need
Volunteers and donations are needed Dec. 12 at the Minneapolis Convention Center for the 11th annual 3,000 Acts of Kindness. The goal of the event, hosted by Plymouth-based Coated in Love, is to provide a day of hope and dignity to 3,000 people facing homelessness, through a meal, haircut, necessities (i.e. toiletry kits, winter coats, hats), and access to agencies and services. Learn more and sign up at
Hockey helper
Join New Directions Youth Ministry to offer hockey and figure skating to north Minneapolis. Coaches, teachers, drivers, equipment and team managers are needed. Help bring the joy of these sports to a community with huge potential.
Tax assistance
Prepare + Prosper is a Twin Cities nonprofit that focuses on financial wellness and economic justice. Various roles to choose from; no experience needed. Free training. Sign up for an info session or learn more at
Furniture movers
Work in the Bridging warehouse moving furniture, bags and boxes, restocking shelves and loading and unloading vehicles. Shifts available Monday through Saturday, three hours each. Lifting required. Must be at least 14. Flexible scheduling. Bloomington and Roseville locations.
Prepare meals for young adults
Prepare dinners for ages 16-20 staying at the Lutheran Social Service Metro Homeless Youth Emergency shelter. Make meals off-site and deliver to the shelter.
Flower power
Bluebirds and Blooms serves those living with memory loss or long-term illness. They repurpose flowers from stores, events, weddings and funerals to create cheerful bedside bouquets delivered by volunteers. Arrange flowers, pick up and deliver.
Bed linens drive
Help Alliance Housing by organizing a bed linens drive. Collect new or gently used sheets, pillows and pillowcases for single adult tenants. Great project for workplace or faith community.
Be a friend, make a friend
Hammer Residences supports individuals with developmental disabilities. You'll be matched with an individual and meet once a month. Enjoy a variety of activities together. West metro locations.
Caring companion
Provide companionship, assist with activities, share entertainment talents, office support and more. Saint Therese is a Catholic senior living and care organization with five metro locations.
Find more:
Hands-on Twin Cities offers a range of opportunities. Learn more about which groups need volunteers at or 612-379-4900.
Critics’ picks for entertainment in the week ahead.