DULUTH — It's the only state agency that works for just a portion of Minnesota, covering 13,000 northeastern square miles.
The state created the Eveleth-based agency, now called the Department of Iron Range Resources & Rehabilitation (IRRR), more than 80 years ago during a mining industry downturn, using the region's mineral wealth to help Iron Range cities and businesses survive the boom-and-bust periods. In lieu of property taxes, mining companies pay millions in taconite production taxes to cities, school districts, townships and the IRRR.
"I can't reiterate enough how unique it is not just in our state, but the rest of the nation," said IRRR Commissioner Ida Rukavina, appointed to the role in December by Gov. Tim Walz.
For its part, the IRRR and its advisory board of legislators, the Iron Range Resources & Rehabilitation Board (IRRRB), focus on economic development, reinvesting in public works projects and private businesses, from campgrounds and mountain biking trails to broadband expansion and manufacturing. Its total 2024 budget is $67.8 million.
Rukavina, daughter of the late state Rep. Tom Rukavina, was raised in Virginia, Minn. Growing up, she traveled to all corners of the Iron Range with her father to community meetings and gatherings as he did his work. The 44-year-old, who was named for her Italian immigrant great-grandmother (pronounced "Ee-da," by the way), previously was executive director of the Range Association of Municipalities and Schools.
The Star Tribune met with Rukavina in Eveleth to discuss her new role. The following conversation was edited for length and clarity.
Q. What should the IRRR do to fight rural population decline and its effects on the economy?
A. As someone who grew up in the North Woods, I love living in northern Minnesota and taking advantage of our lakes and small towns and schools. I would hope we can be an agency that helps communities attract and retain people.