Hidden among rather loud art at the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden — a giant blue rooster and the Spoonbridge and Cherry — there's a symphony of chimes blowing in the wind.
Though this installation of tintinnabulation has been a feature of the garden for more than a decade, some frequent visitors only noticed the chimes this summer, when a small crew recently installed them in a large linden tree adjacent to Parade Stadium.
On a regular walk through the garden with a friend visiting from Massachusetts, Bob Perry paused and looked up.
"I saw the lift and I thought they were trimming the tree," he said. "Then we started to see the chimes everywhere."
A Walker Art Center employee in a boom lift and another in tree-climbing gear spent about 11 hours over two days hovering high above ground assembling the chimes. A third co-worker waited below, clipping chimes equipped with carabiners onto ropes. Sending them up one by one, each chime added to the crescendo.
The sight of the installation process garnered some attention, but it was the sound of the art piece that really piqued visitors' interest.
"This is like my old neighborhood, but I never noticed the installation at all," said Golden Valley resident Tessa Gunther on a recent stroll through the garden with her husband and stepson.
"We were sitting over there and then the breeze was so beautiful and then you could hear the chimes. Yesterday was so stuffy and sticky — there was no breeze. And I thought we hit a perfect day for this ... the lovely sound because of the breeze."