Editor's note: This is a republished story from the January 18, 1988 Star Tribune, which included coverage following the Vikings' loss to Washington in the NFC Championship Game.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Consolation wasn't quite the right word and looking for a bright side seemed inappropriate in the serious setting of the Vikings locker room moments after their 17-10 loss to the Washington Redskins in the NFC championship game Sunday.
But in a day or two, quarterback Wade Wilson will be able to wake up, haul himself out of bed, look in the mirror and say, "It wasn't my fault."
Far from it.
This isn't about divvying up blame. Like many of his teammates, Wilson could have played better. No argument there. It's just that most of those teammates could have played MORE better than Wilson.
The Vikings did not miss out on a trip to the Super Bowl because their backup quarterback was not good enough to take them there. And in a season that sometimes served as a subplot to the Great Quarterback Controversy, that was significant.
"I was happy to get a chance to play and play in some pressure games and see if I was up to the task," Wilson said. "I know what some of my deficiencies are now and what some of my strong points are."
With his hands bloodied, his uniform muddied, Wilson looked like a man who gets regular work at his position. Sounded like it and, most important, played like it, too.