Jeff Johnson, a Republican candidate for governor, and his wife earned $227,000 last year and paid $55,000 in federal, state and other taxes, according to information he released to the Star Tribune.
Johnson, candidate for governor, joins in releasing tax returns
Jeff Johnson, Republican candidate for governor, and his wife earned $227,014 last year and paid $55,000 in federal, state and other taxes.
Johnson is the third candidate in the 2014 governor's race to release his tax information. DFL Gov. Mark Dayton and Republican candidate Dave Thompson, a state senator, released their tax information at the Star Tribune's request last week.
Republican candidate for governor Scott Honour is expected to release his tax information this week, according to his campaign. Kurt Zellers, a fourth Republican candidate and a current state House member, has yet to fully respond to the Star Tribune's request for his tax records.
Johnson, a Hennepin County commissioner, and wife donated $14,205 last year, according to his federal tax form.
Dayton, an heir to the Dayton's department store fortune, donated $1,000 in 2012 of his income of $343,234. Asked about his low dollar donations, the governor said, "I'm disappointed in myself."