(The Minnesota Star Tribune)
Good times.
Jeremy Shockey reportedly performed the Heimlich Maneuver on teammate Ben Hartsock on Monday after Hartsock choked on a piece of pork tenderloin during a team meal. Per the National Football Post: If Jeremy Shockey can be a lifesaver for the Carolina Panthers this season like he was for teammate Ben Hartsock today, it will be a heck of a year.
Hartsock is crediting Shockey with helping save him today after Hartsock, a fellow tight end, could not breathe in the team's lunch room. A piece of pork tenderloin lodged in Hartsock's throat and Shockey came to the rescue, the National Football Post has learned.
"He said to me a little while ago, 'I really hope this doesn't get out but if it does it's going to be a funny story,'" said Chicago-based agent Mike McCartney, who represents Hartsock.
It's more of a story with a good ending than it is a funny one. Hartsock tried drinking some water to clear his throat and when that didn't work it became evident to others in the room he could not breathe.
We can only imagine that Roger Goodell, citing player safety, will immediately ban pork tenderloin from all team lunch rooms.
Also, we understand this creates an open season on football/choking jokes. Do your worst in the comments.
Minnesota maintained a recent trend of producing two goals or fewer, and that wasn’t enough against New York.