The question posted on Minneapolis Reddit was pretty direct: "Can someone please explain this billboard? I saw it on university ave and was completely befuddled on what to make of it."
The bright pink sign, one of four up in the city this month paid for by a New Jersey nonprofit, reads: "Judaism. Come for your girlfriend. Stay for the lack of hell."
In a smaller font over a background of flames, it says, "Free High Holidays booklet!"
Archie Gottesman, the group's co-founder, is blaring JewBelong's provocative slogans on billboards and digital advertising in the Twin Cities and 12 other metro areas in the United States and Canada during this month's Jewish high holidays.
Some find the signs funny, if confusing. Critics call them everything from cringey and misguided to proselytizing and unhelpful.
Gottesman, who first made a splash with sassy marketing for her family's mini storage company, said she knows her latest campaigns are "not everybody's cup of tea."
Still, her goal is to reach the folks she "lovingly" calls DJs, or disengaged Jews, "the people who are feeling like, 'I'm Jewish, but I don't really know what this religion has to offer me," Gottesman said.
She wants them to chuckle, feel like someone "gets" them, and then, hopefully, go to her website to pull up resources like readings, blessings and holiday explainers.