FORT MYERS, FLA. — I asked Carlos Correa if he had thought about what it will take for him to make the baseball Hall of Fame.
What a stupid question.
Like asking Gordon Ramsay if he thought about food.
Correa analyzes every aspect of his game, training and nutrition. He even tracks Twins prospects. He’s the Twins’ CEO shortstop.
So, Wednesday afternoon, after Correa had finished his daily routine at the Twins’ spring training complex. I asked the stupid question.
He didn’t need to do any research before offering this response:
“I wrestle with it in terms of how long I want to play, I guess,” he said. “I also want to spend a lot of quality time with my kids [who will be 6 and 7 when his guaranteed contract expires].
“So, this contract, the guaranteed part, will take you four more years, and then the options will take me to eight more years. If you look at the Hall of Fame guys, 65 WAR is what gets you in. I’m at 40-some right now.