Joe Exotic, the Tiger King in the hit Netflix series, made a name for himself in the world of big cats. But Exotic briefly dabbled in wolves after buying dozens of wolf-dog hybrids from a Lakeville-area petting zoo — and the experience apparently convinced him to stick with felines.
"It was very clear he didn't like having the wolves, that they were annoying him and he couldn't take proper care of them," said Christopher Berry, a staff attorney for the Animal Legal Defense Fund.
Exotic got the animals in 2018 after a state appellate judge ordered Terri Petter, owner of the checkered petting zoo called Fur-Ever Wild, to get rid of all but one of her wolf-dog hybrids because they violated zoning ordinances in Eureka Township in Dakota County.
Berry, whose animal rights organization has sued Petter, said Exotic posted on social media that he had acquired 28 wolves around the same time. He was also selling four wolf pups online.
But Exotic soon realized that caring for wolves is different from tigers, Berry said. The wolves were said to be "running amok" at Exotic's Oklahoma property and digging out of their enclosure.
Berry sent Exotic a letter telling him that selling or transferring the animals across state lines without a permit was a violation of the Endangered Species Act. Exotic called him, Berry said, and launched into "a profanity-laced tirade for several minutes."
It ended with Exotic agreeing to surrender the wolves to Lockwood Animal Rescue Center (LARC) in California. Exotic gave LARC 25 of the 28 wolves, saying he couldn't account for two of them and that one had died of an infection.
LARC staffers, including co-founder Matt Simmons, picked up the animals at Exotic's Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Park in Oklahoma. That trip was featured on a 2018 Animal Planet series called Wolves and Warriors, about combat veterans rescuing and caring for wolves and wolf hybrids as a form of therapy.