There was a feast the day Joe Mauer turned 40. It included all the trimmings and trappings of a celebration of athletic achievement.
The normally reserved Mauer allowed himself to absorb the atmosphere last April and revel in the moment.
"It was a nice way to spend your 40th," Mauer said.
Those attending included many people who meant the most to him — namely, Emily and Maren Mauer, his 10-year-old twin daughters. Mauer, never much for the spotlight during his playing days with the Twins, worked the edges of this party. His daughters beamed and lived it up.
It was their party, after all.
That's right. Instead of renting a restaurant and filling it with friends and family to celebrate the Big 4-0, instead of taking an exotic trip or organizing a golf outing with the buddies, Mauer marked this milestone at the swim team's end-of-season pizza party at Nativity Of Our Lord Elementary School in St. Paul.
You only turn 40 once.
Mauer opened a few birthday cards and spent the evening enjoying what he has become, a full-time father.