John Lucas III: Point guard, NBA veteran, amateur photographer

A trio of Wolves fans interrupted John Lucas III during a pregame steps-running routine at Target Center on Thursday to ask if he'd take their picture.

November 18, 2016 at 9:52PM
(Brian Stensaas/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

From Tulsa to Italy to Shanghai, John Lucas III has made many stops in his professional basketball career. Undrafted out of Oklahoma State in 2005 Lucas actually began his pro career with the Timberwolves' summer league team before racking up the frequent flyer miles to all points of the globe.

To say he's a known face of the NBA is more than a stretch. He's played fewer than 250 games in his NBA career but has latched on with the Timberwolves a second time, signing here in September.

Would you know Lucas if you passed him on First Ave.? Chances are that answer is no. And that's for sure the case for a trio of Wolves fans who interrupted Lucas' pregame steps-running routine at Target Center on Thursday night to ask if he'd take their picture in front of the court.

Hey, at least they didn't use a selfie stick.

Here's video, from by way of TNT

about the writer

Brian Stensaas

Digital editor, producer, reporter

Brian Stensaas has been with the Star Tribune since 2004. He is a digital editor and sports reporter, with experience covering high schools, the NHL, NBA and professional golf.

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