Josephine Marcotty

Marcotty has been working as a journalist since she attended college at the University Michigan, but has spent most of her career at the Star Tribune. She lives in south Minneapolis — within biking distance of the newsroom — with her husband and her dog. She spends a lot of time on the water, either on the lakes in her neighborhood, or on Lake Superior where she is learning to sail.

Latest from Josephine Marcotty

Epic Lake Superior experiment stars wolves, moose, caribou

The wolves' purpose is primal: to prey on the moose that overpopulate Isle Royale. But their new home has become a stage for all the world to watch.
April 13, 2019
Research on wolves and moose on Isle Royale National Park in Michigan will provide data for the next generation of wildlife researchers.

Is benefit of having trees 'oversold' in green space planning?

A new science of valuing nature will shape our urban projects of the future.
February 17, 2019
Workers installed "soil burritos'' to restore Minnehaha Creek's natural curves in St. Louis Park, part of a project to improve water quality and renew wetlands that store and purify stormwater.

Is benefit of having trees 'oversold' in city green space planning?

A new science of valuing nature will shape Twin Cities, other urban areas.
February 15, 2019
Workers installed “soil burritos’’ along Minnehaha Creek in St. Louis Park, part of a project to restore the creek’s natural curves as a way of improving water quality and renewing wetlands that store and purify storm water.

Dec. 27: With spigot open, southwestern Minnesota towns flourish

No longer just a pipe dream, far-sighted water system set up parched towns for growth.
January 9, 2019
A regional system provides enough dependable, clean water to farm shrimp in landlocked Luverne, Minn.

With spigot open, a region flourishes

Far-sighted water system set up towns for growth
December 27, 2018
Cody Schultz, a water operator with the Lewis & Clark Regional Water System, tested the PH of water in the treatment plant outside Vermillion in late November. Operators test the quality of water every three hours. ] Aaron Lavinsky • Photos to accompany Josephine's story on water use near Sioux Falls, South Dakota and Southwest Minnesota photographed Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2018 in Vermillion, S.D.

Baby's death sparks water safety fight with the ag industry

To many neighbors in this small Wisconsin community, the proliferation of giant irrigation rigs that arc over mile after mile of flat farm fields create an untenable drain on water that is tearing communities apart.
December 27, 2018
Potatoes were harvested, 12 rows at a time, in late October at Heartland Farms in Hancock, Wis.

In small brewery town, options for water are running dry

Cold Spring's quandary — protecting a trout stream while supplying water to a fast-growing employer — is just one of many challenges emerging across Minnesota as a state renowned for its abundant water confronts a difficult new fact of life.
December 26, 2018
Adam Schellinger, a pump technician for Traut Wells, tested water from a new well. The DNR allowed the town to dig a new well to meet the growing demands of the city of Cold Spring, including Cold Spring Brewery.

Baby's death sparks water safety fight

Wis. residents take on state and powerful ag industry
December 26, 2018
The Little Plover River outside Plover, Wisc., in late October. The flow of the river, a trout stream, has declined by up to 45% as irrigation has increased around it. ] Aaron Lavinsky • Photos to accompany Josephine's story on water use in the Central Sands area of Wisc., photographed Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2018.

With spigot open, a region flourishes

Far-sighted water system set up towns for growth
December 27, 2018
Cody Schultz, a water operator with the Lewis & Clark Regional Water System, tested the PH of water in the treatment plant outside Vermillion in late November. Operators test the quality of water every three hours. ] Aaron Lavinsky • Photos to accompany Josephine's story on water use near Sioux Falls, South Dakota and Southwest Minnesota photographed Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2018 in Vermillion, S.D.

Baby's death sparks water safety fight with the ag industry

To many neighbors in this small Wisconsin community, the proliferation of giant irrigation rigs that arc over mile after mile of flat farm fields create an untenable drain on water that is tearing communities apart.
December 27, 2018
Potatoes were harvested, 12 rows at a time, in late October at Heartland Farms in Hancock, Wis.

In small brewery town, options for water are running dry

Cold Spring's quandary — protecting a trout stream while supplying water to a fast-growing employer — is just one of many challenges emerging across Minnesota as a state renowned for its abundant water confronts a difficult new fact of life.
December 26, 2018
Adam Schellinger, a pump technician for Traut Wells, tested water from a new well. The DNR allowed the town to dig a new well to meet the growing demands of the city of Cold Spring, including Cold Spring Brewery.

Baby's death sparks water safety fight

Wis. residents take on state and powerful ag industry
December 26, 2018
The Little Plover River outside Plover, Wisc., in late October. The flow of the river, a trout stream, has declined by up to 45% as irrigation has increased around it. ] Aaron Lavinsky • Photos to accompany Josephine's story on water use in the Central Sands area of Wisc., photographed Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2018.
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