MyPillow is facing a court-ordered eviction from a Shakopee warehouse after the property’s landlord showed the company owes more than $200,000 in rent.
A Scott County judge on Tuesday said she will approve the landlord’s request to vacate the property after at least four default notices were sent to the Minnesota-based pillow maker over the last six months.
The latest eviction notice says the company, headquartered in Chaska, is behind in payments for February and March, owing Delaware-based First Industrial LP more than $217,000 for rent and other charges for the facility located at 4701 Valley Blvd. S.
“MyPillow has more or less vacated but we’d like to do this by the book,” attorney Sara Filo, representing First Industrial, said in a hearing in eviction court Tuesday. “At this point there’s a representation that no further payment is going to be made under this lease, so we’d like to go ahead with finding a new tenant.”
Chief Judge Caroline Lennon in Scott County said the court would issue the order as soon as it’s submitted. MyPillow is still leasing a second manufacturing warehouse and outlet location in Shakopee.
The eviction is the latest in a string of financial woes for the company and its controversial CEO, Mike Lindell, who has said he’s been drained personally and professionally since he became a national figure spreading debunked claims of widespread election fraud in the 2020 presidential race.
Neither Lindell nor lawyers for landlord First Industrial returned a request for comment, and no representative for MyPillow appeared in court Tuesday.
Lindell claims his company lost $100 million in revenue after shopping networks and big-box retailers dropped his products. American Express has tightened MyPillow’s credit, according to Lindell, and last year the company auctioned off thousands of pieces of equipment and started subleasing manufacturing space as business declined.