John Sawchak, the south Minneapolis man accused of shooting his neighbor in the neck in broad daylight after years of threatening behavior, will be subject to a competency evaluation before determining how his pending cases will move through the courts.
Judge Jean Burdorf, who has overseen previous cases involving Sawchak, ordered a rule 20.01 evaluation on Monday morning in Hennepin County District Court. That evaluation will determine if Sawchak is mentally fit to stand trial on charges of second-degree attempted murder, first-degree assault, stalking and harassment that culminated with the shooting of Davis Moturi on the afternoon of Oct. 23.
“Please cooperate with that assessment and be as frank and honest as you can be,” Burdorf told Sawchak. “If the assessor says you are competent we’re just going to move forward with your case.”
Sawchak, whose consent is not required for the judge to order the evaluation, questioned the decision.
“I disagree with what happened prior to your making the decision,” Sawchak said. “What happened to instigating me and escalating me to a place of sickness.”
That accusation followed a similar line of argument that Sawchak made at his first court appearance last month when he asked Burdorf, “How do I go about getting restraining orders against these people who have been stalking me?”
Moturi was shot once in the neck while pruning a tree near the property line he shares with Sawchak. The bullet fractured his spine and broke two ribs. Moturi had tried in vain for months to get the Minneapolis Police Department to intervene over Sawchak’s behavior.
The shooting of Moturi was the latest in a long line of threatening behavior alleged to have been perpetrated by Sawchak in the south Minneapolis neighborhood where public records indicate he has owned his home at 3527 Grand Av. S. since 1992.