Twelve anonymous jurors in former police officer Derek Chauvin's murder trial found themselves in the center of one of the most significant police brutality trials in American history.
After finding Chauvin guilty in George Floyd's death, the jurors likely received an expression of gratitude from Hennepin County District Judge Peter Cahill, a flier on coping with jury duty — and little else, according to those familiar with Minnesota courts.
Jurors face heavy stress in many cases, veteran court officials and trauma experts say, but they are especially vulnerable in high-profile proceedings such as Chauvin's where protesters are demanding a former police officer be sent to prison for more than a decade, while his lawyer argued for acquittal.
"You have this trauma exposure, and you have the pressure of the decision, and the worldwide scrutiny, and the consequences for racial justice, and the lack of your typical coping strategies and support," said Patricia Frazier, a University of Minnesota psychology professor who studies stress and trauma and also serves as an expert on sexual assault cases.
The jurors in Chauvin's case will have a lot to process in the trial's aftermath: The three-week trial was laden with tearful testimony from eyewitnesses haunted by bystander guilt, scientific charts tracking the second-by-second narrowing of Floyd's airways under Chauvin's knee and repeated videos capturing Floyd's cries of agony and death.
On the third day of testimony, amid a series of those videos, Juror 44 — a white woman in her 50s — suddenly waved to get Judge Cahill's attention and asked to leave the courtroom due to a "stress-related reaction." She'd been awake since 2 a.m. that day, unable to sleep, the juror said.
"There is vicarious trauma exposure," Frazier said. "You can't look away. You can't take the day off, you can't talk to anybody about it."
There are no mental health resources for jurors in state district court, a courts spokesman said. They receive a $20-a-day stipend, but no parking or child care reimbursements.