Jurors took little time before convicting a 27-year-old man of murder for fatally shooting another man in a western Minnesota garage last summer.

Julian Daniel Valdez was found guilty in Renville County District Court last week of second-degree unintentional murder in connection with the shooting of Pablo E. Gutierrez, 31, at a home in the 100 block of N. Main Street in Renville.

The jury, which deliberated for less than three hours, acquitted Valdez of a second-degree intentional murder count.

"This senseless act of violence shattered the lives of so many people," said Imran Ali, a former Washington County prosecutor now in private practice who prosecuted the case at the request of the Renville County Attorney's Office. "This verdict provides justice and closure to the grieving family."

Ali added that "gun ownership is our right, but with that, comes an immense amount of responsibility. Unfortunately, the victim lost [his] life to another irresponsible act of gun violence."

According to the criminal complaint:

On Aug. 5, 2021, Valdez and his 25-year-old housemate were playing pool in the garage at their home. Gutierrez showed up, "appeared aggressive, indicating a desire to fight," the charges read.

In response, Valdez retrieved a handgun. At some point, Gutierrez realized he was targeting the wrong person and calmed down. But after about 90 minutes, Gutierrez grew angry as they talked about the shooting death by police weeks earlier of Richard Torres Jr. in Olivia, Minn.

Gutierrez threatened to kill the 25-year-old man, who broke a pool cue over Gutierrez's head. Gutierrez kept coming after the man.

Valdez told police he heard his housemate say, "Please, brother, shoot him," the complaint read. Valdez shot Gutierrez, who died before reaching a hospital.

Valdez, whose trial lasted four days, is scheduled to be sentenced July 20. The County Attorney's Office said he is facing a sentence of up to 15 years.