As a young political operative, Ken Martin fixated on a singular goal: to return Minnesota Democrats to the governor's office.
Now the longest-serving chair of the Minnesota DFL in state history, Martin has led the party as its two-decade drought in the executive branch turned into a record string of victories. He wiped out party debt and transformed the DFL into a strategic and financial powerhouse in Minnesota elections, raising and spending more than $36 million on state and federal campaigns last fall.
While no candidates have announced, Martin expects a challenge as he seeks in Moorhead on Saturday a historic seventh two-year term as party chair, even with Democrats now in complete control of state government and rapidly advancing a progressive agenda at the Capitol.
"There's never been a period in the history of our party where we've seen more success," Martin said. "I always come back to: If it's not broken, what do you need to fix?"
Even Minnesota Republicans, who have cycled through four chairs during Martin's time leading the DFL, have a hard time disputing his track record.
"They've won a lot of elections and they aren't wasting time in enacting their goals at the Legislature," said David Sturrock, a political-science professor at Southwest Minnesota State University who has spent decades working with the state Republican Party. "That is the goal of elections, you get power and then you use it. Ken is clearly a major part of that."
But during his long tenure in Minnesota politics, Martin has also watched his party suffer major losses. It's made him a political pessimist.
"I'm not overly confident ever going into this work. We want to make sure that we run like we're 20 points behind, even if we're ahead," Martin said. "More importantly, when we come out of elections, to not learn the wrong lessons."